What got you here won’t get you there

Breat cancer treatment

Cancer treatment in 2019

It’s ironic that this phrase comes from business (Marshall Goldsmith) given its relevance for our personal lives. If, like me, you’ve had your AHA or WTF moment, be it sickness, death, divorce or all three, then perhaps there’s a tiny bit of you that has come to terms with or is even welcoming the fact that change isn’t a nice to have. It's essential.

And don’t get me wrong you don’t have to have a WTF moment to know that change is afoot. Last week my son headed off to university. The chats with other mums showed they were in the midst of a natural realignment of what their lives should be about. However you got there it can be both daunting and exciting to know your world focus is shifting.

I was incredibly driven throughout my life, so a key fear for me centred around whether I could find fulfilment outside of the challenges and rewards provided by work. My first opportunity to realise that came when I was diagnosed with early stage cancer. Weird I know, but bear with me. I got time off work.

Not just the two week annual holiday but proper time off work. I came to realise later that being off work for cancer treatment was not technically ‘time off’, But it did grant me a period of time where my focus, by default, had to be me.


Stan and I need wheels


The Chunnel is booked