We’re going on an adventure

Hi - we're pleased to meet you.
This is Stanley and I'm Liz.

In just over two weeks we'll be heading off on our adventure and we thought you might want to come along for the ride. Not literally but more literarily.

So you might be wondering what's exceptional about that, and in lots of ways perhaps not that much. But with every journey there's a story - the story of how you got there and where you're going next. And maybe, just maybe, my story will inspire and delight you.

So, what's in store. We're heading on a 5 week trip to Italy. We'll be driving from London to Liguria, on to Amalfi and then spending around two weeks each in Rome and Florence. We're swapping our home using Homeexchange.com to remove all the accommodation costs. We'll be doing some diving, learning Italian and taking cookery lessons. And all the time I'll still be working as an executive coach, while Stan takes a well earned rest!